速報APP / 醫療 / HI CHI App: Mindfulness

HI CHI App: Mindfulness



檔案大小:17.3 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 10.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


HI CHI App: Mindfulness(圖1)-速報App

HI CHI = High Energy

The Essential Mindfulness Meditation Collection

Relax, rebalance and rejuvenate.

Choose from a collection of guided Mindfulness Meditations that will still your mind and transform how you approach your daily life.

Enjoy the free lunchtime reset and 3 silent bell timers to get a taste of HI CHI.

Connect to your breath easily and notice how quickly your thoughts can slow down and relax.

Each meditation has been specifically created to help you reduce stress, relax easily and have more clarity.

Simply listen.... as you feel a happier and more peaceful mind.

You will receive:

12 guided mindful meditations

- Mindful Body Scan - 16.26

- Morning daily intention - 8.24

- From anxiety to inner peace - 26.54

- Easy Sleep - 19.16

- Finding Your Feet - 13.07

- Gratitude - 15.22

- Cultivating mindfulness - 15.27

- Being in my body - 21.39

HI CHI App: Mindfulness(圖2)-速報App

- Compassion - 11.11

- Mindful breathing - 12.54

- Activating your senses - 16.59

- Compassion for me and you - 25.06



- 1 x FREE Lunchtime Reset Meditation (duration 7.57)

- 3 x Silent Bell Timers (5 min, 15 min & 30 min)

- £1.99 for a single track

- £14.99 for the entire HI CHI Essential Mindfulness Collection

- We want you to have these popular meditations with you, for life.

- No monthly commitment or subscription.

About the creator of the HI CHI APP

This App has been created by Karina Grant as a powerful resource for Mindfulness, Energy therapies and Meditation.

Karina attended her first Louise Hay and breathwork seminar at age 12 with her family where self-development was greatly encouraged.

After Karina qualified in many therapeutic healing modalities in 2007 she was invited to become England’s advanced instructor for Quantum-Touch, a highly popular American energy healing modality. Karina has instructed many large workshops internationally and online.

After over a decade of teaching meditation and healing Karina set up the HI CHI Integrated Health Institute.

The HI CHI Programs teach mindfulness, emotional balancing and energy healing techniques in ways which are highly effective and easy to learn.

Karina has spent over a decade teaching traditional and complementary health care professionals, doctors, nurses, public health advisors, research scientists, CEO’s, parents, carers, teachers and a variety of other professional backgrounds about meditation and energy healing.

She is also regularly invited to speak about Wellness in a variety of workplaces such as global corporations, including The British Government’s Department of Energy and Climate Change.

Due to the success of her programs amongst nurses The HI CHI Permissioning and Transformation program now counts towards CPD points for nurses and midwives in London.

She is hugely passionate about teaching mindfulness to those working in charities and non-profit organisations, including London’s largest homelessness charity. HI CHI mindfulness meditation programs have also been delivered to the KidsfirstFund in Guyana and are also being offered to women’s charities.

Karina is a member of The British Holistic Medical Association and The College of Medicine.

HI CHI App: Mindfulness(圖3)-速報App

Upcoming features

- HI CHI Events & Programs

HI CHI App: Mindfulness(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad